• IEEE CSS travel support, travel grant by the IEEE’s Control Systems Society (CSS) to attend the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Milano, Italy, 2024.

  • Yajing Liu Student Fellowship, travel grant to attend and present at the NREL 7th Workshop on Autonomous Energy Systems (AES), Golden, CO, 2024.

  • Best Paper Award, “Resource Sharing in Energy Communities: A Cooperative Game Approach,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Seattle, WA, 2024.

  • Ibn Rushd Postdoctoral Fellowship, a fully-funded fellowship by KAUST to pursue postdoctoral research at MIT (4 winners), 2024. (KAUST LinkedIn post)

  • NSF innovation corps (I-Corps) ($5000), ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit, Dallas, TX, 2024.

  • ARPA-E student program, grant to attend the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit, Dallas, TX, 2024.

  • NREL travel grant, Travel grant to attend and present at the NREL 6th Workshop on Autonomous Energy Systems (AES), 2023.

  • KAUST AI conference travel grant, Travel grant to attend and present at the KAUST AI for Energy Research Conference, 2023.

  • NSF conference travel grant, Travel grant to attend and present at the Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), 2023.

  • Ministry of Education Ph.D. scholarship, A fully-funded scholarship to by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education support completing a doctoral degree in electrical and computer engineering at Cornell University, 2019.

  • Best poster award, “Modeling of Microgrid Demands and Load Composition for Highly Reliable Systems,” IEEE Saudi Arabia Smart Grid (SASG) Conference, 2018, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

  • Best paper award, “Intelligent Flexible Priority List for Reconfiguration of Microgrid Demands Using Deep Neural Network,” Scientific Research Track,10th KFUPM Students Forum, April 2019, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

Invited talks and Presentations

  • A. S. Alahmed and Lang Tong, “Resource Sharing in Energy Communities: A Cooperative Game Approach,” NREL 7th Workshop on Autonomous Energy Systems (AES), September 2024, Golden, CO.

  • A. S. Alahmed and Lang Tong, “Decentralized Welfare Optimization for Energy Communities,” 2024 Northeast Systems and Control Workshop, May 2024, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Poster)

  • A. S. Alahmed, Guido Cavraro, Andrey Bernstein, and Lang Tong, “Decentralized Optimization and Market Mechanism for Energy Communities under Operating Envelopes,” IHPC’s Workshop of Power and Energy Systems of the (near) Future, ASTAR, December 2023, Singapore.

  • Cong Chen, A. S. Alahmed, Subhonmesh Bose, Timothy Mount, and Lang Tong “Wholesale Market Participation of DERA: DSO-DERA Coordination and Competitive DER Aggregation,” NREL 6th Workshop on Autonomous Energy Systems (AES), September 2023, Golden, Colorado.

  • A. S. Alahmed, Guido Cavraro, Andrey Bernstein, and Lang Tong, “Grid-Aware Market Mechanism for Efficient Energy Communities,” NREL 6th Workshop on Autonomous Energy Systems (AES), September 2023, Golden, CO. (NREL travel grant)

  • A. S. Alahmed, L. Tong, “On Net Energy Metering X: Optimal Prosumer Decisions, Social Welfare, and Cross-subsidies,” transaction paper session presentation, Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Orlando, FL, 2023

  • A. S. Alahmed, “Co-optimizing Distributed Energy Resources for AI-Enabled Prosumers,” KAUST AI for Energy Research Conference, Mar., 2023. (KAUST full travel grant)

  • A. S. Alahmed, “Analysis of Optimal Prosumer and Regulator Decisions under Net Metering,” ACM SIGEnergy Graduate Seminar Series, Jan. 25, 2023.

  • A. S. Alahmed, L. Tong, “Behind-the-Meter Distributed Energy Resources under Net Energy Metering”, Caltech Rigorous System Research Group (RSRG), Jun., 2022.

  • A. S. Alahmed, L. Tong, “Behind-the-Meter DER under Net Energy Metering X: Optimal Prosumer

    Decisions, Social Welfare, Cross-subsidies, and Market Potential”, PSERC, Nov. 2021.

  • A. S. Alahmed, “An intelligent load priority list–based integrated energy management system in microgrids", INFORMS annual meeting, Nov 09, 2020. [Link]

  • A. S. Alahmed, M. Almuhaini, “Modelling of Microgrid Demands and Load Composition for Highly Reliable Systems”, IEEE Saudi Arabia Smart Grid (SASG) Conference 2018 , Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (Winner of Best Poster Award).

  • A. S. Alahmed, S. O. Taiwo and M. A. Abido, “Implementation and Evaluation of Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm on Power System stability Enhancement”, IEEE Saudi Arabia Smart Grid (SASG) Conference 2018 , Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.