Our Paper was Accepted at IEEE SEGE 2018 Canada
Wisdom of The Crowds Inauguration
Wisdom of the Crowds (WOC) social experiment was inaugurated with an exciting atmosphere. More than 300 responses were received in only one day. Everybody was interested about the theory and there was a big enthusiasm about the result and outcomes of the experiment. The team will continue to take samples until the predefined number of samples is reached. Many thanks to the WOC team and to the guessers who devoted some time to help us building our data.
WISDOM OF THE CROWDS (Social experiment)
- The aggregated opinion of dumbheads is remarkably intelligent!
- The theory that emerged Wikipedia, Yahoo! Answers, Quora and Stack Exchange.
The Wisdom of The Crowds event organized by IEEE-KFUPM students branch is about to start. A guess and win activity will be conducted at KFUPM campus, Aramco and Dhahran main attractions, to collect the largest possible number of samples. The data will be deeply analyzed and the guessers will be categorized into sections according to their answers in the form. A report and probably a website will be established to display the results of the experiment.