Going to Present my Work at GCC CIGRE2018 in Kuwait

About CIGRE:

GCC-Cigre was established under the umbrella of the Gulf Cooperative Council in accordance with a recommendation from their Excellencies GCC Ministers of Electricity & Water during their second meeting held in Kuwait on 22nd April 1985 under the patronage and auspices of Gulf Cooperative Council. The GCC’s General Secretariat, together with the Secretary General, of the International Council for large Electric Systems “CIGRE” drafted the Committee’s basic law. The Committee, a non- profit institution, is an affiliate of the International Council and is mainly devoted to encourage and develop scientific researches and studies in the field of Electricity Systems.

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Visit to Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute (FREA)

Visited Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute (FREA) on July 26th. In the visit, we were briefed about the latest research being conducted in the institute. A site visit to the different laboratories and project sites was provided by FREA representatives. The visit comes as part of MiSK global leadership program for sustainable energy systems.


Portable Hydrogen Station

Visited Goyozan Solar Project Site

On July 27th, I visited Goyozan Solar Project site in Iwate, Japan. The solar farm directly supplies 16 MW (Maximum output) to the local grid without the use of energy storage. In the site, we discussed the common issues/problem with the project, which includes panels efficiency, materials used, lifetime, recycling of panels, tariffs and cleaning. The visit comes as part of MiSK global leadership program for sustainable energy systems.


ARAMCO Advanced Research Center (ARC) Internship


On May 27th, I started my internship at ARAMCO EXPEC Advanced Research Center (ARC). ARAMCO is the state-owned oil company of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and it is at the world’s top exporter of crude oil and natural gas liquids.


I am working at the upstream research centre, renowned as EXPEC ARC, which is the core of Saudi ARAMCO. There are six divisions in the centre and I am specifically working with the Production Technology Team (PTT)

The working and research environment here is very encouraging and most of my colleagues are considered top of a notch individuals in their fields.

I am glad to be part of this experience and eager to deploy my research and learning capabilities to help my fellow researchers at the EXPEC.

Certificate of Appreciation

I was humbled this morning by a "Certificate of Appreciation" letter from IEEE, for serving as Postgraduate Chair of IEEE-KFUPM student branch. 

Our team held and organized several experiments, seminars, symposiums and presentations in the region during the semester. We will continue to strive for perfection and boost the society's level of knowledge.

Wisdom of The Crowds Inauguration

Wisdom of the Crowds (WOC) social experiment was inaugurated with an exciting atmosphere. More than 300 responses were received in only one day. Everybody was interested about the theory and there was a big enthusiasm about the result and outcomes of the experiment. The team will continue to take samples until the predefined number of samples is reached. Many thanks to the WOC team and to the guessers who devoted some time to help us building our data. 

WISDOM OF THE CROWDS (Social experiment)

  • The aggregated opinion of dumbheads is remarkably intelligent!
  • The theory that emerged Wikipedia, Yahoo! Answers, Quora and Stack Exchange.

The Wisdom of The Crowds event organized by IEEE-KFUPM students branch is about to start. A guess and win activity will be conducted at KFUPM campus, Aramco and Dhahran main attractions, to collect the largest possible number of samples. The data will be deeply analyzed and the guessers will be categorized into sections according to their answers in the form. A report and probably a website will be established to display the results of the experiment.

